Have you seen photographs where the car headlights and taillights are transformed into long trails of white and red lines, where the clouds are hazy, or where water appears smooth and soft as it moves over a waterfall? These types of photographs are a result of a simple camera technique called long exposure photography.
Long exposure photography often produces some of the most dramatic and unusual creative images. From the capture of lightning bolts to night sky star trails, the softening of ocean water as it crashes onto a beach or over rocks, and to the blurry movement of vehicles as they speed by on a freeway, long exposure photography is a very visual and creative technique.
Although this technique might appear challenging, it is relatively straight forward. You can start accomplishing remarkable and creative results with just a little knowledge of how the capture process works.
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Shutter speed for long exposure photography
The length of shutter time to take an image of the lights of cars on a freeway could be just a few seconds, whilst a wide-angle shot of stars in the night sky might be a 25 second exposure, and the shutter time to take a creative shot of ocean waves as they crash onto rocks in the dark of night may be in the region of minutes.
Neutral density (ND) filters
Long exposure photography is almost always thought of as being done at night; however daytime long exposures can be achieved with a little more technical ability. The use of Neutral Density (ND) filters will reduce the amount of light coming through the lens and allow for long exposure daytime photographs. Some common examples of the results of the use of ND filters in the daytime include the softening of water over a waterfall or blurring the movement of cars on a freeway or pedestrians in a busy shopping mall in the daytime.
Neutral density filters are available in various strengths, including 3-stop, 6-stop, 10-stop and above. The filter becomes darker and lets through less light as the number increases. Shop now at Amazon.com for ND filters!
CPL filters
One of the filters that every landscape photographer needs in their arsenal is the CPL, also known as a circular polarizer/linear filter. The immediate result is the elimination of reflections from non-metallic surfaces. This means that it will eliminate a large proportion of the glare from tree leaves and water reflections. Shop now at Amazon.com for CPL filters!
Slow down
Long exposure photography is predominantly produced using slower shutter speeds. The long exposure of the shutter has the effect of blurring anything that is moving relative the camera. This is a fantastic photographic approach that captures the passage of time.
The lengthy exposure generates an environment that results in artistic photos that can have an unusual and beautiful appearance. Landscape photographers, portrait photographers, and other photographers use this style of photography in their work to great effect.
Shutter speed is slowed down during long exposure photography relative to the same scene photographed at a shutter speed that would normally produce a balanced exposure of the scene. So, in almost all instances the camera will need to be operated in manual or aperture priority mode.
Shutter speed is the duration that the camera shutter is open, and it is usually measured in seconds, fractions of a second, and sometimes in minutes or hours.
The camera has a slower shutter speed if the shutter speed denominator is small; for instance, 1/10 second is a longer shutter speed than 1/1000 second. However, the length of time that the shutter is open, the camera’s aperture and the ISO settings will all have a bearing on the results of the final photo.
Tips for long exposure photography
If you are having trouble creating the ideal long exposure photograph, you should try a step-by-step approach. Below are some tips and ideas that will help you perfect your long exposure creativity. Some of our tips below refer to outdoor long exposure photography, whilst others can be applied to both indoor and outdoor photo sessions.
Exposure of your long-exposures
Long exposure photography can produce eye-catching imagery! So make sure you upload your best artistic long exposure photos to your website and to your social media accounts such as TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.
Studying the weather is the first step that you should take when looking to take outdoor long exposures. The weather will have an impact on photo quality as well. Long exposures of clouds are stunning and will produce beautiful results. A partly cloudy sky is frequently optimal for long exposure photography. A flat and dreary sky lacks drama, and the absence of clouds makes a long exposure ineffective.
Location ideas for long exposure photography
The world appears entirely different in a long exposure photograph than in real life. You must get to the area in advance, where you should study the scene and envision how the sky, clouds and any element of the composition that has movement would look. You can then try some practice shots to capture some long exposure test images.
Set up your gear
Most long exposures will require a sturdy tripod, manual shutter release or timer, and depending on the lighting and time of day you may want to try using an ND filter.
Set the focus
If you want your photograph to remain sharp from background to foreground, you should keep your focus at a hyperfocal distance. You can manually set the focus. However, if you are using auto-focus, you will usually need to half-press the shutter button to engage the focus and then switch your lens from autofocus to manual.
Set the exposure
The most crucial camera setting of exposure time should be set after the focus has been set. Switch your camera to manual or aperture priority mode to set the exposure. Select the aperture, choose the shutter speed, and take a test photograph and view the results. Adjust the settings to a shorter or longer exposure and check the results again, and you will begin the see the creative effects of the long exposure.
Choose the perfect location
Location is crucial. It will be challenging for you to take the perfect photo, portray a mood or emotion, or articulate a story if you don’t have an attractive setting. There are some places where you’ll get a better outcome than others. Follow these guidelines if you want to capture long exposure photos of natural and urban scenes.
Natural landscapes
Watch for cloud movement when you want to capture a mountain in a long exposure. For streams and river shooting towards the direction in which water flows is the greatest strategy for capturing the ideal long exposure photograph. Wait for a clear night without clouds if you want to capture stunning Milky Way and star trail photos. See our astrophotography genre for some great night sky photography tips.
Long exposure photography can be most creative in a city and urban landscape setting. This is due to the abundance of movement of light during the night, and urban activity during the day. Streetcars, subway cars, ferries, and other moving objects can produce stunning light trails.
When it comes to long exposure photography, camera equipment can be reasonably important. Your camera’s technical capabilities will affect the photos you take. Any camera may be used; however, there are some basic requirements. A camera that enables you to shoot in RAW, produces less noise at high ISO settings, and has both bulb and manual modes is capable of taking long exposure photos. Shop now at Amazon.com for DSLR cameras!
Lens choices for long exposure photography
Use a wide-angle lens to capture a large portion of the landscape and a mid-range lens for smaller areas. A fast lens (f/2.8 to f/4.0) is not necessarily required. A slower lens (f/4.0 and above) will produce good results. Shop now at Amazon.com for camera lenses!
A tripod is another of the crucial pieces of equipment for photographers that shoot at twilight, dusk and night scenes, or any other long exposure scene. When taking long exposure photographs, it is crucial to use a tripod because it will reduce image blur and allow for greater exposure times. Shop now at Amazon.com for camera tripods!
Remote shutter
A remote shutter is a compact, extremely affordable, and incredibly helpful gadget. It is a necessary component of long exposure photography gear if you want to capture perfectly sharp images. There are several choices, ranging from basic cable options to wireless devices. Shop now at Amazon.com for remote camera shutters!
Have fun with long exposure photography
Elements of long exposure photography can be applied to both creative and commercial arrangements in many genres of photography including time lapse, astrophotography, portraits, landscapes and architecture. Infrared photography is another genre of photography where long exposures are common, usually outdoors.
This was a general introduction to long exposure photography. Hopefully it will inspire your photographic and artistic creativity.

Have fun with long exposure photography!
See the world in a new light with long exposure photography.