Playing with light and shadows has always been a part of photography, but by manipulating the method of playing with dark shadows and bright light we can create an entirely new genre of photography, silhouette photography! Let us learn more about this inspired creative genre of photography, and how newcomers and more experienced creatives alike can delve into it.
What is silhouette photography
Correctly as the title suggests, silhouette photography is more about using the subject’s shadows to produce a creative visual effect. It could be placing a bright light behind a model or subject and then photographing their shadow as a dark figure against the light. Another way of photographing silhouettes is to illuminate the actual shadows of the subject on a plain wall and shooting the shadows rather than the subject. The effect can be created in both outdoor and indoor studio situations.
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Types of silhouettes
While photographing silhouettes, it is important to understand there are two main types. The first type of silhouette is the perfect silhouette. The perfect silhouette is the traditional silhouette which usually comes to mind when someone thinks of silhouette photography. In the traditional silhouette, the subject is completely darkened, or black, as they are silhouetted against a bright source of light, such as a person on the beach with the sun setting behind them.
The other style of silhouette is the partial silhouette. This is where only a portion of the subjects’ body is in full silhouette while other portions of the body are visible in the glow of light. The partial silhouette requires more thought and process as the photographer will use the combination of the available light and the shape of the subject to meld the scene into a creative composition.
Social media and website
Silhouette photographs, when done correctly look amazing. They will attract viewers and followers to your website and your social accounts such as TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.
Camera settings
Correct light and camera settings play an extremely important role when attempting silhouette photography.
Shooting in manual mode is preferred during silhouette photography as it will allow for freehand control of all camera settings. To get a more illuminated background increase camera exposure just enough to ensure the subject remains dark against the bright background. This will also produce a sharper outline of your subject whilst reducing details.
Try shooting with a small aperture, (f8 and higher). This is to ensure that the background remains bright and sharp.
Auto mode
Whilst auto mode is not recommended for any genre of photography, if you are completely lost or you are a newcomer give it a go anyway! When in doubt and without experience auto mode will be your best option but try not to make auto your go-to setting for everything as it will limit your knowledge and learning in how to use light and camera settings effectively.
Manual mode
When in manual mode, and as a base setting to start, point your camera towards the sky, let it adjust to those light settings, then brighten the sky by reducing shutter speed further and lock-in the settings before focusing on your subject. The light and subject will likely differ in every situation, so experimentation is key!
Silhouette photography locations
Silhouette photography is an extremely experiential genre of photography which can be carried out in multiple places depicting a wide range of concepts. Let’s look at some of the places you can try out silhouette photography.
Beaches and sunsets
Beaches and other places where you can view a sunset or even a sunrise are perfect for silhouette photography. Beaches are always a welcome backdrop for any kind of photo and for a genre such as silhouette photography where backgrounds play such an important role, beaches are a great option.
Evenings are the most preferred time for shooting silhouettes as you can capture the changing hues of the sky along with a shadow of your subject creating a serene composition. At crowded tourist locations try silhouette photography at dawn when it is quieter and there are less people around.
Terraces mountain tops and high places
Anywhere high above the natural ground level is a wonderful place for outdoor silhouette photography. Building terraces or high walls are also a go-to for some quick makeshift silhouette photo shoots. You need not necessarily capture all your silhouette photography shots in the evening. Sometimes afternoon sun or afternoon sky can also give out a great effect.
For indoor shoots, using ceiling-to-floor windows is a great idea. However, you would have to select a strategic location from where you can receive ample light during the time of your shoot. The model can stand in front of the window. Their symmetry and shape will also provide a lot of options for posing. Try adding props or other elements like a sofa chair or a long flowing curtain to enhance the feeling of your concept.
Further tips for silhouette photography
Now let’s put all the technical stuff aside. Here’s more of our tips for you to capture the best silhouette photos!
Whatever you are thinking of photographing, ensure that your subject has detailed features. For example, if you are planning to photograph the silhouette of a tree, try selecting one which is not dense. While a dense tree would look good for a regular shoot, for silhouettes, a thorny or leafless and barren tree would suit more owing to the contrast difference between the tree details and the background.
It is not always about a bright source of light but where that light comes from. As in the case of French windows or a large door frame, you would have a shape in the background which sets a good frame for your image. Similarly, while you are outside, look for an interesting backdrop. It could be a range of hills, some rocks, or even naturally beautiful clouds. Just make sure to add something and spice it up rather than keeping the background completely blank!
Post processing silhouette photography
Post processing silhouette photography is important as it will provide for a better final photograph. You may have multiple discrepancies between the composition that you wanted to photograph and the one you produced in-camera. This may be the outcome despite the right settings and lighting situation. Good editing will help you correct these.
During post-processing, increase the saturation of your background, darken the shadows, and increase the contrast of your subject to produce a more defined silhouette image.
The mystery of silhouette photography
Good silhouette photography will capture the true essence of the subject and will open many doors for posing and artistic photographic creativity.

Have fun with silhouette photography!
There are a lot of subjects to choose from when practicing silhouette photography.