The objective of milk bath photography is to reveal the sensual side of the model and, where pregnant mothers-to-be are photographed, to highlight the love she holds for her unborn child. It is a derivative art form of portrait photography, and milk bath photography will certainly add some unique photography to present in your portfolio.
This genre of photography is usually considered to be reserved for pregnant mothers-to-be through maternity photo shoots, but nowadays, milk bath photographers may receive queries for milk bath photography for newborn babies, pregnant women, fashion photography, and some may even ask to shoot it in boudoir photography style.
You can make a bold statement about your photography style through this genre, and as strange as milk bath photography sounds, it also comes with a distinctive opportunity to exhibit your expertise as a photographer. So let us dive deep into the subject and learn more about it.
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What is milk bath photography?
This niche genre is exactly as it sounds! In this genre, your subject poses in a bathtub or other vessel filled with milk, or rather water that has had milk added to attain a white hue. Several art forms are mixed with this genre of photography including lifestyle, maternity, portrait photography and conceptual imagery.
Since milk is commonly associated with children; hence, milk bath photography is conceptualised to highlight the innocence of the subject matter. Milk bath photography is gaining popularity mainly because of its unique effect to a minimalistic portrait. It is like a blank canvas for you to use creatively, where the genre allows you to focus on your subject’s expressions and poses, while aesthetically using negative white space.
Several art forms are mixed with the genre of milk bath photography including lifestyle, maternity, portrait photography and conceptual imagery.Photography Reference
Essential equipment to include in your milk bath photography kit
This technique of photography is similar to portrait photography; however, you’ll be photographing in a damp environment, usually in a bathroom. So, some equipment mentioned here is crucial to get the best out of your efforts for shooting in compact spaces.
Wide-angle lens
A wide-angle lens will give you flexibility even if the space you are shooting is not spacious. Plus, it will give greater context to the portraits. It allows you to compose a more prominent foreground. This will result in a foreground larger than it is in real life. Moreover, you will be able to fit the entire scene in one single shot.
Standard zoom lens is beneficial
Adding a standard zoom lens will give you versatility. You can photograph full body images or half body images or choose these for head portraits. Howsoever you use it, it will save you from changing lenses during the session.
Keep one fast prime
The crystal-clear optics of a good quality 50mm prime lens with the ability to use F/1.8 or F/1.2 wide aperture can offer a beautiful background blur. Additionally, they are lightweight, and you can use them in low light also.
Use flash
In portrait photography such as milk bath photography, artificial light can be a game changer. Plus, it will give you additional flexibility especially when the source of natural light is not optimal, or the season or weather offers poor lighting than you need. Use scrims and reflectors to meld the light in a beautiful way on your model.
Camera settings for milk bath photography
Camera settings are the soul of photography. Below here some settings are mentioned to help you capture unforgettable images filled with creativity.
Use a wide aperture
Even with strong natural light or artificial light, you may find it difficult to capture bright, well-lit photographs. Using a wide aperture will compensate by allowing as much light to hit the sensor as possible which will result in brighter images.
Just be aware that a wide-open aperture will significantly reduce depth of field, so if you want to keep props such as flowers in the bath in focus you will need to increase aperture to f/8.0 and above, which in effect may require you to bring in additional light.
Use a slower shutter speed
Since letting in as much light hitting the camera’s sensor is essential, a slow shutter speed will give better results. But this tactic has its own challenges, and you’ll have to be careful and be very steady when shooting with a slow shutter speed. This is because camera shake when the shutter is open, and light is hitting the sensor may blur the image.
Use higher ISO
Shooting on higher ISO will help you to minimize the effect of the camera shaking or the slightest movement that may occur while holding the camera. Plus, you’ll get the benefit of obtaining correct exposure in a shorter amount of time.
Tips for milk bath photography
Here are a few more tips that will help you during the milk bath session. These tips will also help you create much better results.
Effectively use negative space
The whiteness of milk used during the session is called negative space. You can use it to your advantage by experimenting with lighting effects. Or you can use props such as flowers, glitter, etc. to enhance the effect.
Use props that complement the whiteness of the mil
Some colours pair beautifully with the milky background. For example, slices of orange, lemon, or dark green leaves follow with the background. However, do not limit yourself, and experiment with different props with different colours.
Pose your subject effectively
The most difficult part of milk bath photography is knowing how to pose your model. The best way to deal with this problem is to work with the subject’s body and natural shape. You can ask your client to hold for an uncomfortable pose only for a few seconds, but it’s not a good idea to hold them in such poses for extended periods of time.
Choose clothing cleverly
If you ask your client to wear a dress that compliments the shape of the tub as well as their own body’s features, then it will add to the ethereal look of the photographs captured in the session. Dresses made from sheer, or lace will do well with the milky white background. Additionally, the colour of the clothes can also act as another prop or compliment the props you are using in the session.
Do not overlook details
Being in tune with your subject’s body language, clothing colours, or props can give surreal and dream-like output in the photographs.
Milk bath photography secrets
The secret of pronounced milk bath photography is in using light as a powerful instrument for fashioning a breathtaking ambiance and composition. You will need to experiment, give attention to detail, and use negative space efficiently to capture the raw beauty of your subject and create something surreal.
Milk bath photography portfolio
If have decided to delve into this genre of photography you will most likely already have experience in portrait photography. So create a website and online portfolio on your social media accounts at TikTok, Facebook and Instagram to show off your portrait and milk bath photography skills.
Have fun with milk bath photography!
Milk bath photography is a personal expression one's self.