Animals are beautiful subjects for a portrait photographer, and pet photography is a must-have for many animal lovers. Every pet has their own unique features, some have fluffy fur while some have a charming attitude. In short, every pet has a unique character which is fun to capture, and every emotion expressed by the animals is completely natural.
You just have to let them be themselves whether they are wagging their tail, fluttering their wings, or neighing to you from across the paddock. In this article we are going to discuss the important aspects of this enjoyable genre including some tips and tricks, setups, technicalities, and equipment needed for the perfect shot.
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What is pet photography?
Pet photography is the genre of photography where professional photographers take photographs of pets, either outdoors or within a photography studio. Our furry friends are a big part of their owner’s lives. We love to upload pet photographs and video to social media, include them in family portraits, and to hang stunning pet portraits throughout the home.
The widespread adoration for animals led people to want more professional photographs of their pets, and as a photographer you have a chance to do something you love while also earning an income from it.
We celebrate their birthdays, and they are there for our own life milestones. We take them on holidays, for picnics and include them in family events. We also mourn them when they pass. Professional pet photography can be very important to a lot of families.
Pets have just as many personalities as we do. We have some pet photography tips for you to improve your photography, or to move into this genre.
Make friends with the subject
Your subject is a moving animal that doesn’t understand your work. So, you need to develop a bond of trust between you and them. To do this (in the case of a dog), you can take some treats with you when you first meet with the pet. Pat them lovingly, try playing with them for some time, etc. can help you make friends with them. Developing the relationship will help you further in your endeavour to photograph them in a compelling way.
Start without flash
You may have developed a relationship of trust between you and your subject, but they still may not understand what you are doing. Where possible in a studio location use continuous lighting over flash. But if you do use flash, the sudden flash of light may startle them, so take some photos without flash to make them comfortable. When you feel the pet is quite comfortable and relaxed with the setup then, if you have it planned, add flash in your shots.
You can also give a treat whenever flash is triggered so they become more comfortable. In this way, they will associate the flash with treats.
Attract their attention
Pets tend to become easily distracted, especially when you are taking their photographs. To grab their attention, you could make small sounds, use a Christmas bell and shake it whenever you need to or use squeakers. Other sounds could be a whistle, or snapping your fingers, but try not to overuse it and convince your client to not get himself involved in the game of making sounds, since it can confuse the pet.
Getting the right pet photography pose
You may need to take a lot of shots to get the right pose of this furry subject of yours. Mix sounds, games, treats, and everything that can help you to get a beautiful picture of them.
Experimenting is the most important part capturing captivating images when first starting out. It is important for you to know the pet’s behaviour that can influence your shot, and the pet’s own expressions can inspire your imagination for a distinctive shot.
Adoption photos
An idea for you to gain experience is to contact adoption kennels and ask to photograph the animals for free. You will gain a wealth of experience in both dog and cat photography and the adoption business will get free photos to use on their social media and website.
Expose for exposure
Pet photography is a unique genre of photography. If you are good with animals and love giving them the attention they deserve, pet photography may just be your forte! Upload your best pet photography work to your website and to your social media accounts such as TikTok, Facebook and Instagram to gain better exposure and recognition of your work.
Fast lenses
You should select a lens that has high quality of zoom. The primary benefit you’ll get is that it can be used to capture a wider range of lighting conditions and distances. You will also be able to capture exceptionally shallow depth of field and sharper photo even when light is low.
50mm prime lens may be sufficient for indoor and studio pet photography. 24-70mm and 70-200mm lens would be suited to outdoor pet photography sessions due to the sometimes-large distances between the photographer and subject.
Fast shutter and burst mode
Some animals will move fast and not sit still. So, use a fast shutter speed to freeze motion, and if you can use a quality camera that will allow you to shoot in burst mode. Burst mode will allow you to take up to 10 frames per second or more, ensuring you capture the right expression at just the right time.
Look for new angles
Always look for new angles, fresh locations and different lighting situations. Develop your own style of pet photography that will be instantly recognisable with your brand.
Horse photography
Horses are much flightier than our smaller furry companions. Spend some time to pet the horse and make sure it is comfortable with you being around. It is not advisable to use flash anywhere near horses, especially if you are photographing them being ridden. Use continuous auto focus and burst mode to capture the action.
The pet photography challenge
Pet photography can be challenging even if you are an experienced photographer. However, you will find it an enjoyable career, and each successful session will bring you deeper in love with this genre.

Have fun with pet photography!
Our pets are a part of our family. Treat them to beautiful pet portrait photography.