Product images are usually the first item perused by potential buyers, especially online. Capturing these …
Stock photography is the art of creating commercial images from photography for use in mediums …
If you are looking for a fast-paced, challenging, and fun outdoor genre of photography, then …
Editorial photography communicates a narrative with photography and usually accompanies text in a commercial photography …
Journalism photography, also commonly known as photojournalism is a commercial genre of photography where photographs …
Head portrait photography differs from general portrait photography in that the focus is on producing …
Event photography is usually a paid commercial undertaking between a photographer and a commercial business, …
Forensic and crime scene photography, also known as forensic photography, is a photographic record of …
Automotive photography is usually a commercial genre of photography that is concerned with photographing motorbikes, …
Catwalk and fashion show photographers will always be under pressure to produce good photography in …